Маrk Kусhmа

Shaping emerging technologies

LinkedIn: they have a hash of my password. Now what?

June 6, 2012 @ 4:03 pm

Re LinkedIn. Yes, it was hacked today. I have found my password in the published list.

You can still download the hashes here: https://disk.yandex.net/disk/public/?hash=pCAcIfV7wxXCL%2FYPhObEEH5u5PKPlp%2BmuGtgOEptAS4%3D

Then you need to hash your password with sha1:

… or similar tool…

If the hash is in the file above without 0000, you better change it. If your hash is marked with 0000 – they know your password already 😉

You better change it anyway.



Short link: http://➸.ws/~FnJL$1F

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