MediaNext Ukraine - About MediaNext

MediaNext Ukraine is a community of media innovators in Ukraine. The community units media professionals, IT-specialists, designers and bloggers.

Launched in 2009 as a Ukrainian-Dutch 2,5-year-project by Internews Ukraine and European Journalism Center (EJC), MediaNext Ukraine was the first proffesional educational effort at that time to help Ukrainian media in adjusting their workflow to digital realities through various events.

MediaNext Ukraine has established a standards in education of new media technologies and  help many editions in Ukraine to change their perception of media culture.

Since 2011, MediaNext Ukraine is a network of media innovators, connected to Internews Ukraine new media activities.

As of Feb 2013 it unites 2100 participants all over Ukraine.

Contact: Vitaliy Moroz, Head of New Media Department, Internews Ukraine

vitaliy.moroz (at) / @vitaliymoroz / FB: vitaliy.moroz








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