JANRAIN - Janrain Engage Planned Service Maintenance Notice

September 2, 2010 @ 11:41 pm - Uncategorized

Dear Janrain Customer,

Janrain will be deploying a next generation, more robust cloud infrastructure on September 6 at 11:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Based on the extensive testing we have conducted this month, we anticipate a smooth migration and no more than 90 minutes of downtime.

During this time, our servers will be in an offline mode and return a message to that effect. We will communicate the initiation and progress of the migration on the Janrain status page.


Larry Drebes
VP of Engineering & Operations

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JANRAIN - Get started – Instructions

@ 11:32 pm - Uncategorized

Welcome to Sincere.ly. This is your first post. You can edit or delete it or add another one.

You can change the theme and the widgets of your site and its various settings in the administration section.

If you are looking for a way to consolidate your other sites and social profiles [* see the sample pages here] then please choose one of the Name.ly themes and then configure it accordingly:

If you decide to run a blog, remember that you can upload multiple pictures into galleries with just few clicks. Just create a new post and then press “Add media” star-icon. You may also wish to set your personal avatar, which will be used in your comments throughout all Name.ly sites.

Don’t forget to insert your new site’s link into your e-mail signature [* tell me how]. Impress your friends with your brand new elegant Internet address in the e-mail footer and in this way update them on the latest news around you each time you press the send button.

Happy blogging indeed!

Name.ly: easy to remember, impossible to forget.

P.S. Short URL to your site: http://name.ly/!QL

P.P.S. You can also access your site via: sincere.ly/yours/janrain or yours.sincere.ly/janrain

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